We did a deep dive into all things worms last week to learn about the letter "W." I had a little bit too much fun making some worksheet activities to practice lines, colors, patterns, counting, and a quick letter W craft! Click here to download the pages that I used!
Letter Formation & Pre-Writing Practice

We started with the basics of how to write the letter W and then did some pre-writing practice with the different kinds of lines.
Counting & Visualizing Numbers
This one was so cute! We started with paint, but the way he spread out his caterpillars, it was hard to see that the bigger numbers were the longest, so we did it again with dot paint (much cleaner!).
Color Recognition & Patterns

Next up was making these worms by following the color pattern. This one is also great for fine-motor skills too! It takes some precision to get the pom poms to stay on their spots.
Counting & Comparing Numbers

Next step, we used those same pom poms and counted them. Once his grid was filled in, we talked about which color had the most vs. the least. As an extra challenge, we talked about which ones had the same amount.
Fine-Motor Skills - Feed the Bird

We finished with this fun little game, which he requested to play several times over the next few days. He had to pinch the "worms" (paper straws) with his tongs and feed the bird by placing the worms in the cup. This is a great way to practice fine-motor skills, and it was a fun way to start some conversations about nature - Why do birds eat worms? Why do we not eat worms? What do worms eat?
The Easter grass made it especially challenging, so we switched to the dry pinto beans (as pictured at the beginning of this post). It was still a challenge for his little 3-year-old hands, but it was good practice!