These were really fun to make, and I'm loving the more muted reds (it's actually more like a rust orange) and blues (teal instead of navy blue). Full disclosure though, this was definitely a mama craft, not a toddler craft. I'm sure you can do this with a preschooler, but you'll probably want to spread out the sequins and have them make lines along the whole star instead of clusters on the corners of the star.
Use white glue (or feel free to use hot glue) to construct the star out of popsicle sticks.
Once it's dry, start decorating!
For the sequence, cover one of the points with glue and apply sequins. Then repeat for each point.
For the gold pipe cleaner, cut the pipe cleaner to fit each popsicle stick. I hot glued the bottom popsicle stick and applied the pipe cleaner. I repeated, working my way from the bottom, most covered stick to the top, uncovered stick. There were still gaps to easily slide the pipe cleaner into because I only glued the points, not every time a popsicle stick crossed another one.
I strung the stars onto twine and attached it to my kids' play kitchen. It's such a cute addition to their 4th of July decor!